

Geohack 17th and 18th September 2013
East Midlands Conference Centre, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RJ

** Note: Times subject to variation

Tuesday 17th

09:00 Registration and Coffee
10:00 Schedule and logistic announcements
10:15 Elevator pitches for Challenges
11:15 Teams form and developing begins
12:30 Lunch available
13:30 Developing continues
Refreshment break
18:30 Dinner available
Developing continues

Open Evening – present progress to others who can wander in and out of the geocamp

Wednesday 18th

10:00 Logistics and briefing updates
10:15 Developing continues
Refreshments available
13:00 Submission Deadline
13:00 Lunch available
14:00 Presentations begin
Refreshments available
15:30 Judges Voting
16:00  Awards and Close


It’s All Over!
Thanks to everyone who helped make FOSS4G 2013 a success!