

Steven Feldman (Conference Chair)

Steven (@StevenFeldman) has been working in the geobusiness for the last 14 years, initially with whereonearth.com, subsequently as MD of GDC and latterly MD of MapInfo UK and head of their EMEA product and industry strategy. He now works as a non-executive director, a strategic consultant and an investor, advisor and mentor to technology startups through his consultancy KnowWhere, he is currently chairman of geo.me Solutions. He founded and chaired the first three AGI GeoCommunity conferences and is a Special Lecturer at the School of Geography at the University of Nottingham, where he initiated the OpenStreetMap GB quality enhancement project and also advises the Open Source humanitarian project Taarifa on bringing its public service provision innovation to a wider global audience and community. Steven is passionate about geography, politics and Arsenal football club, he blogs at GIScussions.

Suchith Anand

Suchith is leading open source research at the University of Nottingham. He is also the chair of the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies. He is one of the founding members of the Open Source GIS Summer School initiative, and the Geospatial Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data e-learning initiative. He is also the founder and co-chair of the Open Source GIS Conference Series. He is now in the process of establishing Open Source Geospatial Labs/Research Centres in key universities worldwide as part of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation – ICA MoU.

Franz-Josef Behr

Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr joined Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences as a full time professor of spatial information processing in 2002, where he teaches software development, Internet Technology and Internet GIS, as well as Database design, XML technologies and scientific writing. He has supervised about 40 Masters Theses, published two GIS text books, more than 50 scientific papers, and has given presentations at several international conferences. In addition, he has conducted workshops in India (IIITM-K, Trivandrum) and Egypt (National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Cairo) and organised scientific conferences in Arequipa, Peru (AGSE 2010), Nairobi, Kenya (AGSE 2011), and Johor Bahru, Malaysia (AGSE 2012). He is an active member of the German Organisation for Standardization and active supporter of Open Source and Open Data.

Jo Cook (Deputy Conference Chair)

Jo (@archaeogeek) is the founder of the local chapter of OSGeo (OSGeo:UK) and has wanted to bring FOSS4G to the UK since she went to her first one in 2006. Three FOSS4Gs later, she is even more committed to bringing the tribes to her home country. In her day job she has been advocating open source use since 2006, previously in the archaeology sector, and now as part of her role as a geospatial consultant for Astun Technology. She can be found blogging here.

Ian Holt

Ian (@IanHolt) is the Developer Programme Manager at Ordnance Survey. In this role he is responsible for encouraging and stimulating the use of OS OpenData. In addition, he is a member of the GeoVation team, actively promoting innovation through the use of geography. He has over 20 years experience in the geospatial industry and has spent a good part of his career developing enterprise geospatial solutions for the utilities, communications, and public organisations. More recently, Ian has helped run a series of master classes to highlight the benefits of open source and open data.

Rollo Home

Rollo (@rollohome) is the 3D product lead for Ordnance Survey. He cut his teeth as a geo-consultant working for various international engineering consultancies (relying far too heavily on his trusty “GIS-on-a-Stick”) and then a 3D modelling vendor. He (occasionally) writes about (at #SpatialNeeds) and promotes (through the AGI, where he is a Council Member) the use of geographic information. He manages the #W3G conference series.

Claire Gilmour

Claire is the Events Manager at the Association for Geographic Information (AGI). She is responsible for the logistical management of the Events programme including the annual conference – AGI GeoCommunity – the main independent GI event in the UK and for third party events including the Public Sector Mapping Agreement one day events, INSPIRE one day events and the ISO/TC 211 workshops when they were held in the UK.


Mark Iliffe

Mark (@markiliffe) is a PhD student at the Nottingham Geospatial Institute and a geospatial consultant for Global ICT group of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank Group. He has surveyed and worked in developing nations across the world, and is also the chief architect of Taarifa, an Open Source public services reporting platform.

Barend Köbben

Barend Köbben works at the International Institute for Geo-information Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC), a Faculty of the University of Twente.  His teaching subjects include Cartographic Theory, WebCartography and WebGIS, Geo-webservices and web application building. He is involved in teaching short courses and workshops in Open Source GIS & Web Mapping, promoting the use of the Open Source geospatial applications and data. His main interests are automated mapping in a services environment, animated vector map services (using the RIMapper WMS Open Source platform he developed), and the SDIlight concept. He was involved in various consultancy projects in The Netherlands, India, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand and Zambia. Barend Köbben is Map Editor and member of the Editorial Board of Geografie, a Charter Member of OSGEO, and member of the ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies.

Jeremy Morley (Deputy Conference Chair)

Jeremy (@jeremy_morley) is Theme Leader for Geospatial Science at the Nottingham Geospatial Institute, the successor institute at the University of Nottingham for the Centre for Geospatial Science (CGS). He has worked in the academic GIS sector since the mid-90s. Jeremy has promoted and researched Open GIS standards (through the OGC TC since 2000), data (UK Location Programme User Group) and software (hosted the “EOGEO” workshops, predecessors to FOSS4G, in 2000 & 2004). He is chairing the AGI GeoCommunity conference in 2012 after chairing first in 2011.

Addy Pope

Addy (@go_geo) is a content officer at EDINA, where he promotes the use of geospatial technology in higher and further education in the UK through services such as GoGeo and Digimap. He has organised several events and run training courses for the education sector in the UK. He has over 10 years experience working as a GIS analyst in both the private and public sectors. Addy is a Chartered Geographer (CGeog) specialising in environmental science and has a PhD in glacial remote sensing. Addy maintains the GoGeo blog.

Barry Rowlingson

Barry (@geospacedman) is a Senior Research Associate in Spatial Epidemiology at Lancaster University. He is a user of – and contributor to – statistical and geospatial open source projects, with his name on several open-source packages for the R statistics system and plugins for Quantum GIS. He has experience on conference committees for the R Statistics Users conference, OSGIS UK, and most recently GISRUK 2012, the UK GIS Research conference. As part of his academic duties he also occasionally referees book chapters and papers for journals. He appears on Twitter and IRC as @geospacedman.

Antony Scott

Antony (@antscott) is a GIS practitioner at Sustain Ltd, using open source GIS for domestic energy management and renewable energy feasibility, a subject which he presented on at four GIS conferences in the past year. He is active in OSGeo:UK, coordinating the development of case studies. As a volunteer for MapAction, a UK-based NGO providing emergency mapping in humanitarian disasters, he is currently working alongside UN agencies to develop the GIS and information management capacity of country-based Disaster Management and Mitigation agencies in Southern Africa, using open source tools.

Matt Walker

Matt (@_walkermatt) is a consultant and software engineer with over 10 years working within the industry. Formerly Technical Director at Dotted Eyes, he is currently working for Astun Technology implementing solutions based on open software. He is a day to day user of and contributor to open software, and has hosted workshops, presented and organised various industry events.

Ian Edwards

Ian (@isedwards) is an Open Source software engineer at the UK Met Office. His GIS career has spanned academia, business and government, including research positions at the universities of Cambridge and Exeter, director of a GIS company and more recently working at for the UK government in his current role at the Met Office. Ian is an honorary fellow of the University of Exeter, and continues to be a regular speaker at the University of Cambridge. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

It’s All Over!
Thanks to everyone who helped make FOSS4G 2013 a success!