
Academic Bursaries

The FOSS4G LOC have now awarded all Academic Bursaries.  We hope that these bursaries will allow the recipients to attend the conference and that it is beneficial to their careers. We look forward to reading the blog posts that the bursary winners will write describing their time at the event.

If you were unsuccessful or if you didn’t manage to enter in time, fear not.  You can still get a discount pass to attend FOSS4G 2013 by volunteering at the event. To find out more about this, please refer to the Volunteering Page.  To register as a volunteer, all you have to do is fill in an online form.  We will need quite a few people to keep the event running smoothly.

Reminder to successful bursary applicants:

What You Get

An academic bursary for FOSS4G 2103 will provide you with:

  1. a free pass to all 3 days of the conference
  2. free accommodation for 3 nights
  3. a ticket to the Gala dinner on Thursday night

What You Don’t Get

The bursary will NOT cover your travel costs to the event. You will need to fund this yourself. It will NOT cover the Wednesday night ice breaker or the Saturday closing party.

What do we expect in return:

We would expect bursary holders to do a half day volunteering at the event to help with tasks such as stewarding. In addition, we would ask for a short (500 word) review of your experiences at FOSS4G 2013 and submit this as a blogpost.  (note – no cash will be transferred, the bursary will be used to reserve and pay for your conference pass and accommodation)

It’s All Over!
Thanks to everyone who helped make FOSS4G 2013 a success!