Realtime geospatial data has become more prevalent and relevant in the areas of disaster response, crisis identification, government operations, and business branding and engagement. In particular, Social Media provides for a new wealth of personalized, qualitative data that gives an unprecendented view of live, on the ground information. Our traditional tools are ill-equiped to access, store and understand these stream of data. Anvil is a new open-source realtime stream processing fabric that provides a stable and flexible service for on-demand data access and analysis. Leveraging the Storm and Hadoop frameworks, Anvil extends these to add a pluggable spatial processing components for capabilities such as sentiment scoring, social network analysis, aggregation, alerting, and even emergent event detection. It includes libraries for realtime visualization of high-volume data in server and client-side analysis. This talk will present the Anvil project, how it works and ways it is being used by government and businesses. We will demonstrate visualization of hundreds of points per second and millions of features in the browser using HTML5 and Javascript.