The Vice-presidency of the State in partnership with the GeoBolivia Project, are approaching to the construction of the Plurinational State of Bolivia´s Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE-EPB by its Spanish initials), which it is already finished in its first phase. This phase consisted in the implementation of a platform and the construction of a geoportal that allows the access to the country's geographical information of reference, through WMS, WFS, WCS and CSW services. The whole platform uses free software and open standards. This first phase it is complemented with the development of an on-line training module to undertake the transfer of the generated knowledge within the project. The main components that have been used were: gvSIG, QGis, uDig as clients advanced GIS-SDI; PostGreSQL+PostGIS as spatial database; framework geOrchestra that contains GeoServer as map server, GeoNetwork as catalogue server and OpenLayers+Mapfishapp as thin client (geoportal); MapServer like map server for the bottom OpenStreetMap; Debian like operating system; Apache like web server and finally Tomcat like application server.