This web page lists the provisional selected presentations for FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham, the Free and Open-Source For Geospatial Conference. The listing does not include submissions to the academic track, workshop sessions, or keynote speakers.
Very provisional tagging has been done - use the tag toggles to select subsets of presentations, and use your browser's search function to search for keywords.
The aim of this talk is to sum up the standardization efforts (OGC and W3C) in defining 3D web services and models, as well as to show existing implementations to support the discussion.
In this paper we will look at the rendering performance of several Graphics Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) with a focus on geographic map rendering. A mixture of 2D and 3D engines will be benchmarked. We will focus on two aspects: Rendering speed of 2D geographic based data and the ease of implementing a rendering system based on each of the API’s. From this data we discern which API is best suited for building a c# open source Geographic Information System...
A cellular automata model of land use change developed in the free and open source software environment R is presented. The advantages offered by R as a development environment for a CA land use model are evaluated, and the pros and cons of the approach employed are discussed in depth with reference to commercial alternatives.
The presentation of the current status of an Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) based “Sensor Web” and a future perspective. As an example an application will be presented that integrates sensor data with data from an existing spatial data infrastructure.
For the analysis of geospatial data, the statistical spatio-temporal aggregation (SSTA) is a frequently used functionality. Possible applications include infor- mation extraction (Andrienko & Andrienko 2006), data fusion (Wiemann & Ber- nard 2010), generalization and schema transformation (Foerster et al. 2010). On the basis of spatial and temporal references, SSTA transfers thematic attribute values into a coarser spatio-temporal resolution using descriptive statistical op- erations. Reusable processing functions are increasingly offered in Spatial Data Infra- structures (SDI) through standardized interfaces using...
Agricultural land use in Germany and related impacts on the environment and the use of natural resources are key research topics at the Thünen-Institute of Rural Studies. As spatial context is essential for the analysis of causal connections, GIS data regarding all necessary information was gathered during different research projects and prepared for processing in a database. In particular, the Integrated Administration and Control System, which was available for certain project purposes for several Federal Laender and years, serves as...
The National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is New Zealand's leading agency providing freshwater, ocean, climate, atmosphere and fisheries related research. Open Source software is widely used internally, both infrastructurally and in desktop systems. In 2011, the New Zealand Government passed “The Declaration on Open and Transparent Government”. This requires central government agencies to make taxpayer funded information freely available to the public, and encourages regional and local government, as well as agencies such as NIWA to comply....
The implementation of the European INSPIRE Directive will benefit from the reuse of a constellation of technical assets, including the key contribution of open source software; where the identification and sharing of components through a reference platform (ARE3NA) aims to provide additional benefits for those wanting to adopt interoperable cross-sector and cross-border geospatial data beyond the initial environmental policy context of INSPIRE.
The Rivers Trust demonstrate how open source software and data is improving the sharing of information, leading to better decision-making and ultimately more sustainable management of rivers and their catchments.
Various software can style maps and generate a proper SLD document for OGC compliant WMS. However, in most occasions, the styling allowed by the graphical tools is pretty limited and not good enough to achieve good looking, readable and efficient cartographic output. The presentation will provide hints, examples and enough information to master SLD in order to create beatiful maps with GeoServer.
The presentation will provide an introduction to GeoFence, an open source tool to configure and use complex authorization rules to protect data served by GeoServer OGC services
In past years, geographical information systems have undergone spectacular devel- opment. Beside traditional applications, some new areas have been opened by the spread of navigation systems and the publication of geoinformation via Internet. These areas are in need of efficient data handling due to the changing spatial and descriptive data of objects. This article presents the AEGIS framework, which is a currently developed spatio-temporal data management system at the Author’s Institute. This framework will serve as the future platform of...
In this presentation a library for facilitating the development of OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) clients will be introduced that hides all complex interactions with the SOS interface by providing a simple, lightweight API based on REST and JSON.
This talk will present Anvil, an open-source realtime stream processing fabric that makes it possible to connect, georeference, analyze, and visualize high-rate data.
A catastrophe model estimates the potential loss of property and life following a major catastrophic event and can be built using Open Source software and improved with Open Data
Based on well-established Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) products such as MapServer, MapProxy, GeoExt and pyCSW, as well as the (not primarily geospatial) open source technologies Typo3 and CKAN, we are present- ing the implementation of a research data management infrastructure for a large in- terdisciplinary research project. The presented implementation primarily depends on the demands for research data management infrastructure by the funding re- search agency, additionally it aligns to theory and practice in Research Data...
Geospatial modelling revolves around the structures of data and the semantics of these structures. This is enough in simple cases, but becomes insufficient when the best structure and semantics is hard to find or the solution is too heterogeneous to fix and reuse. Field-based and objects-based geospatial models often share com- mon GIS data structures interchangeably, but their all possible meanings are too many to define in an immutable manner. Less studied approach to geospatial mod- eling is using mutable...
Cartopy is a new python mapping library for the transformation and visualisation of geospatial vector and raster data. Iris implements a generalised n-dimensional gridded data model, enabling powerful analysis of 3D, temporal and big data.
The Common Data Model and the THREDDS Data Server provide metadata and data access for scientific datasets using several remote data access protocols (OpeNDAP, NetCDF Subset Service, WMS, WCS) and have become an essential tool for interdisciplinary data sharing within the various domains of geosciences.
We shall demonstrate new developments in using Web Map Services to communicate data quality at the level of datasets, variables and individual samples, using a new set of conventions ("WMS-Q") and prototype software
HUMBOLDT Alignment Editor (HALE) is a Free and Open Source solution for interactive geodata harmonisation. The presentation will start with a short introduction on HALE, then a practical showcase on how data can be transformed to comply to the INSPIRE Data Specification for some spatial data themes defined in Annex I, II and III will be shown.
We describe how we have created an Atlas Map Viewer component, using the Open Web Platform and the D3 JavaScript library to map data in an SDI environment.
This paper presents the geospatial features, aspects and issues of the CrossLinks project, which aims at building an authoring and visualization platform for so-called data mosaics, i.e. meaningful and contextualized aggregations of fragments of heterogeneous datasets.
We are developing cyberinfrastructure to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing for marine Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEAs). The main tool is based on a web application (IPython Notebook) that provides the ability to work on very diverse and heterogeneous data and information sources, providing an effective way to share the source code used to generate data products and associated metadata, as well as to track the workflow provenance to allow the reproducibility of a data product.
Envitia will outline the experiences gained and benefits resulting from delivering Open Spatial Data Infrastructures to Enterprise clients including the Welsh Government, UK Hydrographic Office and Royal Brunei Armed Forces for business and/or mission critical applications. These innovative projects have been proven to break down perceived barriers to open source adoption by providing highly performant, secure and future proof systems whilst ensuring the lowest possible total cost of ownership.
This presentation seeks to present a case study for how Warwickshire County Council replaced their proprietary web-GIS with a in-house developed deployment of Heron Mapping Client, with GeoServer for the backend. It will cover the entire process, from business case, through specification, extending Heron, technical "gotcha's", community participation, user feedback, evaluation of the project, and future plans.
We present a statistical WebGIS platform integrating visualization tools and statistical functions for epidemiological studies, entirely based on Open Source technologies. An application for cancer mapping and environmental cancer studies is the Cancer Atlas (CA-TN), the GeoICT platform of the Cancer Registry of Trentino (Italy).
This presentation introduces the Browse Server of ESA's new User Services infrastructure (ngEO) serving browse images via OGC's WMTS and WMS standards using GDAL, MapServer, EOxServer, and MapCache
Esri hosts over 80 public code repositories on GitHub. These “geo projects” extend across a very wide-range of disciplines and technologies. This includes everything from full client-server Government solutions to specific geo-utility/analysis tools to ArcGIS products, components and solutions. This session covers how Esri embraced GitHub for sharing geo projects both across the organization and to the public domain, the implementation strategy, the technical challenges faced, and why others might want to consider adopting GitHub for their organizations as well.
Most GIS were not specifically designed to manage dynamic spatiotemporal data. Spatiotemporal mapping is the representation of changes in geographical phenomena over time. By identifying the characteristics of the spatial, temporal and attributional dimensions, we evaluate, compare and contrast OSGIS techniques for data storage, retrieval, pattern analysis and visualization of spatiotemporal data. Some of the open source software evaluated includes: Weave, timemap.js, Dojo.js, QGIS temporal extension, OpenLayers Tracking, D3 and i2maps.
GPI is the primary application used to view and maintain information and geo-data and that gives a complete description of farms, farm geometries and farm properties throughout Norway - enabling farmers to create and update some farm data records themselves directly.
A solution is presented to fast tile 10 cm resolution aerial images covering the whole Netherlands resulting in more than 8 billion tiles which are stored in a NoSQL database and served by a dedicated TMS&WMTS service for fast delivery to clients.
The Norwegian Forest and Landscape geomatics group works with national-scale agricultural data, and as part of a recent project, we have developed some tools & techniques that significantly improve performance with open source GIS tools, that we want to share with the community.
Over several months, Mohamed Sayed has been working with AWS to design, deploy and tune Open source software with an end goal to bring up various geo oriented full stacks. This includes databases, tile renderers, geocoders, routers and the underlying supporting libraries. The presentation will go over what AWS provides starting from an Infrastructure as a Service View, and up to a Platform as a Service view. Example use cases will be presented with focus on usage of FOSS as the main building block . The presentation will cover choosing the components, the deployment posture,prototyping, designing for cloud scalability, performance benchmarking and ongoing maintenance. Most of the concepts will lend themselves well to other public or private cloud situations.
The presentation covers experiences and challenges encountered during the implementation of the Kosovo Spatial Data Infrastructure. The SDI consists of GeoPortal, Cadaster and Land Information System and the Address Register, all implemented on the FOSS stack and interconnected via OGC services.
GeoCat Bridge helps to bridge the gap between proprietary and open source solutions. The goal of this product is to provide a solution that makes it extremely easy for users to publish their data on a GeoNetwork, GeoServer and/or MapServer based server solution.
Scripting is one of the powerful things in GIS. Through geographic scripting skilled users get the possibility to enhance their favourite GIS and extend it with their own ideas and customization needs.
Natural Resources Canada has initiated a new project to modernize its elevation data management system. The new system, mainly based on Open Source tools, also includes a new hierarchical data structure for managing point clouds and other types of elevation data at different resolutions. This structure called GeoHashTree, is a component of POINTPACH, the new extension for the management of point clouds in PostgreSQL. During this presentation, the system architecture and the new data structure will be exposed. Then, the results of tests conducted with the new structure will be discussed.
The presentation will provide an insight of the new functionality available in the latest release of the software. Publishing and managing spatial metadata using GeoNetwork opensource has become main stream in many Spatial Data Infrastructures. The project developers have made big progress on INSPIRE support, performance, scalability, usability, workflow, metadata profile plugins and catalogue services compliance. Examples of implementations of the software will be given, highlighting several national European SDI portals developed in the context of the INSPIRE directive as well as work for Environment Canada.
Setting up a GeoServer can sometimes be deceptively simple. However, going from proof of concept to production requires a number of steps to be taken in order to optimize the server in terms of availability, performance and scalability. The presentation will show how to get from a basic setup to a battle ready, rock solid installation.
This presentation will provide an introduction to the GeoServer project and its abilities to publish data with a mix of well known OGC protocols and other pupolar protocol and data formats.
Exploring complex spatiotemporal data can be very challenging for non-experts. Recently, gestural interaction has emerged as a promis- ing option, which has been successfully applied to various domains, including simple map control. In this paper, we investigate whether gestures can be used to enable non-experts to explore and understand complex spatiotemporal phenomena. In this case study we made use of large amounts of Linked Open Data about the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest and related ecological, economical and social...
Rich user experiences call for JSON data, but what combination of DBMS, compression, generalization, etc. can deliver the best performance on the client ? During the course of this presentation we will present our findings, showing how we collected test data and built statistical models to gauge the contribution of each factor (DBMS, compression, etc.) to the overall performance
Geographical Information System (GIS) applications have been existed since the early 1960s, but evidence suggests that adoption of GIS technologies still remains relatively low in many sectors. We will explore both the barriers that affect the utilisation of GIS and opportunities to overcome these barriers. As part of this exploration we performed a literature review, collected responses from quantitative questionnaire survey and interviewed a range of technical and domain experts. Having analysed and collated the results of these studies we...
This talk will discuss several super kick-ass ways that JavaScript and the web have re-shaped GIS and are changing how we visualize, analyze and share geospatial data with each other and the world.
I will present the workflow used to download and visualise the temporal and spatial uptake of one of the largest and fastest online petitions the UK has ever seen.
This session will look into how advanced data modeling methods -linear referencing and dynamic segmentation- can be useful in working with assets such as roads, water and sanitation networks, rivers or electrical grids. We will also showcase a custom solution based on PostGIS and gvSIG for road networks -built upon the methods mentioned- which is used in a european regional administration, located in Lugo, Galicia, northwest of Spain.
Monmouthpedia and Gibraltarpedia are towns that have hundreds of geocoded Wikipedia articles. The authors have liased with communities, businesses, universities, PHd students, media to create these places in augmented reality and it in the real world
The European Space Agency (ESA) with the launch of the GOCE satellite made it possible to study the Earth's gravitational field and estimate the geoid with unprecedented accuracy and resolution on a global scale. In this work first results of the development of some OWS service (WPS, WMS and WCS) for spatio-temporal exploration and exploitation of GOCE and GEMMA (GOCE Exploitation for Moho Modeling and Applications) data is presented.
The ability to map live data and share visualizations of data that changes through time is an exciting area of research at CartoDB and we will report on some of the key innovations we have developed.
ROGUE (Rapid Open Geospatial User-Driven Enterprise) is a 2-year project funded under the Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) Program to add functionality to the OpenGeo Suite to allow users to collaboratively develop geospatial data in a disconnected environment, version the collected data, and create a federated collection of nodes that can search, discover, and display the latest data edits in support of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts.
GeoGit is a new open source software project that is designed to allow for multiple individuals to contribute to geospatial feature data while providing versioning, provenance, and support for collaborative workflows.
This presentation will show latest software enhancements that includes administration RESTful API and Web Administration Interface for easy management.
Leaflet, a JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps, has come a long way since its inception. The library started as a one-night hack and evolved over the next two years as a closed proprietary API, developed by one person, and then was finally rewritten from scratch as an open source library in 2011. Leaflet is now the most popular open source solution for publishing maps on the Web. What’s the story behind Leaflet? How did it became so successful so quickly despite strong competition and lack of features? This talk will be presented by its lead developer and will cover lessons learned, the current state of the project and future challenges.
Through the use of OpenSource HAproxy component, we created a large cluster of PostGIS, Geoserver and GeoWebCache components used as one of the cornerstones of the Croatian NSDI.
This talk will present the recent advance in machine learning capabilities for remote sensing with the Orfeo ToolBox. While supervised classification of satellite images was essentially relying on libSVM in previous OTB version, a more generic modelisation of machine learning algorithms has been developed in OTB trunk. This modelisation allows to encapsulate all machine learning algorithms from OpenCV in addition to libSVM. A factory pattern allows to save trained algorithms parameters and automatically load the file into the appropriate algorithm. This extends greatly the set of available algorithms and allows for joint training of multiple algorithms for instance.
The award winning 3D City Database is a free 3D geo database to store, represent, and manage virtual 3D city models on top of a standard spatial relational database. The database model contains semantically rich, hierarchically structured, multi-scale urban objects facilitating complex GIS modeling and analysis tasks, far beyond visualization. The 3D City Database comes with additional software providing easy data exchange or facilitating coupling with cloud services. The 3D City Database content can be directly exported in KML and COLLADA formats for the visualisation in a broad range of applications like Google Earth, ArcGIS and ArcGIS Explorer.
This presentation proposes to explain, discuss, and demonstrate the open source infrastructure supporting MapCollaborator, a highly customizable map wiki that allows organizations to crowdsource a wide range of geographic data and related information.
MapMint: Never write mapfiles again ! Tips and tricks for playing with OGC standards using FOSS4G (MapServer, ZOO-Project, GDAL,OpenLayers)
Rainforest Foundation UK’s participatory mapping programme allows forest communities to secure rights to the lands on which they depend, more recently with the adoption of open source GIS technologies for data storage, presentation and remote surveying.
The MapRoad Pavement Management System supports the monitoring and management of 90,000km of Irish roads via an integrated desktop, web, and smart mobile solution. The web solution is built on open source software combined with existing proprietary databases and desktop GIS allowing minimum disruption to workflows during development and rollout. Open standards are used to communicate between different system components.
This session starts with a status report of the MapServer project, followed by an open question/answer session to provide a opportunity for users to interact with members of the MapServer project team.
The Danish Geodata Agency has changed a major part of its data distribution to open source databases and services, PostGIS, Mapserver and Geoserver.Experiences are positive. Performance and stability are comparable to commercial systems.
In this presentation we will share our experiences of working with OpenLayers for mobile applications, in combination with the Sencha Touch framework and PhoneGap.
In the German federal state of Brandenburg geological borehole data, depth profiles and geological layer-data should be visualized in a 2D and 3D-based webclient: this talk will present the technical solution based on PostGIS 2.0, GeoServer, OpenLayers, GeoExt2 on the 2D and ExtJs 4.x and X3Dom on the 3D-side.
A Quantum GIS plugin called MOLUSCE (Modules for Land Use Change Evaluation) is currently under development. MOLUSCE is a tool for analysing, modelling and simulating land use changes.
A presentation looking at the products featured in my recent book “Online GIS - Meet the Cloud Publication Platforms that Will Revolutionize our Industry” and the underlying open source technologies that made them all possible.
The cloud can be used to support widespread adoption of geospatial data since it offers reliable extensible storage and elastic computing facilities; we provide an open source software stack which adapts existing open source products (e.g. Mapserver, PostGIS, etc.) for a cloud based environment allowing them to take advantage of the scalability and elasticity properties of the cloud. On top of that we built a set of geospatial services allowing the user to dynamically publish his own data and create his own services on the cloud or exploit existing services by using either already available data or his own.
Accessibility is as important for location decision-making and regional development as it is for the individual life situation of the population. Accessibility determines the regional quality and provision of infrastructure. Against the background of the normative political goal of providing comparable living conditions in all regions of Germany, current empirically sound information about the accessibility of SGI is important to form an objective and realistic impression of the current situation. This information can then function as input for future policy...
This presentation will discuss enterprise web mapping applications that we've been developing for large utilities and communications companies, based on a number of open source geospatial components including PostGIS, MapFish, GeoServer and Leaflet, and including a case study on how this helped with recovery from Hurricane Sandy
As part of EarthServer, an ongoing e-Infrastructure EU-FP7 project, the British Geological Survey is investing in the development of Web Coverage Services (WCS) and Web Coverage Processing Services (WCPS), built on open source Rasdaman and Petascope software in a bid to make 100TB of geological data readily available to the geoscience data user community of scientific users, stakeholders such as exploration companies, civil engineers, local authority planners, and the general public.
In order to create the third release of OpenLayers, an important crowdfunding effort has been organized by the OpenLayers community in 2012 and was able to collect 350'000 USD for the development of this new release. This presentation will present the key findings of this effort.
OpenPOIs [] is an open database containing points of interest (POIs) and links to other POI databases such as Geonames, OpenStreetMap, DBPedia, Futouring and the Harvard China Biographical Database.
Based on opensource bricks, with GeoNetwork, OpenAM, JBoss, Apache, Solr and PostGreSQL, OpenWIS fitting the OGC (OpenGeospatial Consortium) and INSPIRE (European directive) aspects, with standards OGC interfaces, a portal providing the viewer function with the discovery, search and request possibilities, and in a short future the billing and the transformation services, is going to become opensource.
We describe the solution of some PostGIS problems, demonstrating relevant PostgreSQL features which include: GiST and SP-GiST index types; custom database objects; query and workload profiling.
We will describe how Landcare Research, a Crown-owned company that carries out environmental research for the benefit of New Zealand, has been using open source geospatial software and open standards to provide access to data and tools to support decision making by industry, central and local government, and Māori.
A use case of integrating a variety of open-source geospatial tools is presented in this paper to process and openly redeliver open data in open standards. Through a software engineering approach, we have focused on the potential usability of OpenStreetMap in authoritative and professional contexts in Great Britain. Our system comprises open source components from OSGeo projects, the Open Street Map (OSM) community and proprietary components. We present how the open data flows among those components and is delivered to...
We describe a painless automated process of loading cumbersome collections of OpenData that leads from the data order to ready to use in a day using some simple scripting and Postgres/ PostGIS, with minimal officer input!
The presentation is a brief introduction to GeoServer WPS capabilities, showing how to build processing request based on existing processes and how to build new processes leveraging scripting languages, and introducing unique GeoServer integration features, showing how processing can seamlessly integrate directly in the GeoServer data sources and complement existing services.
Challenges and lessons learned developing a generic, open, distributed modeling system based on OGC standards that allows users to configure and run models and visualize results using a web-based platform.
pycsw is an OGC Compliant CSW server implementation written in Python, enabling publishing and discovery of geospatial metadata, providing a standards-based metadata and catalogue component of spatial data infrastructures.
pyModis is a Free and Open Source Python based library to work with MODIS data. It offers bulk-download for user selected time ranges, mosaicking of MODIS tiles, and the reprojection from Sinusoidal to other projections, convert HDF format to other formats.
The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the developments performed during last year as far as raster data support in GeoTools and GeoServer is concerned, while on the other side to introduce and discuss future development directions
The emergence of HTML5 Canvas support in browsers creates an opportunity to shift rendering and analysis tasks from the serverside to the client web browser.
The presentation covers the realisation of a fire danger forecasting platform for the Isle of Sardinia, using crowd sourced weather data and only Free and Open Source software.
Many kinds of environmental data are nowadays publicly available, but spread over the web. This paper discusses using the Sensor Observation Service (SOS) standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as a common interface for providing data from heterogeneous sources which can be integrated to a user tailored environmental information system. In order to allow for providing user-tailored and problem-specific information the adjusted SOS is augmented by a semantic layer which maps the environmental information to ontology concepts. The necessary...
pgRouting adds routing functionality to PostGIS, and this presentation will give an overview of the current state of the project and introduce the new and revised features of the new release in 2013.
The Vice-presidency of the State in partnership with the GeoBolivia Project, are approaching to the construction of the Plurinational State of Bolivia´s Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE-EPB by its Spanish initials), which it is already finished in its first phase. This phase consisted in the implementation of a platform and the construction of a geoportal that allows the access to the country's geographical information of reference, through WMS, WFS, WCS and CSW services. The whole platform uses free software and open...
This presentation will provide detailed information on how to ingest and configure SpatioTemporal in GeoServer to be be served using OGC services, with examples form WMS and WCS services
The goal of this project is to store the global collection of nighttime light data products in a queryable raster format in PostgreSQL, to develop a web application for the visualization and seamlessly interactive vector/raster queries on the nighttime light data, and to develop the API for developers to query and retrieve nighttime light data to feed their own applications.
SVG Map implements specific elements and attributes, that enable internet browsers to display map tiles directly through the browser's layout engine, supporting dynamic tiling and layering.
Public service provision in the developing world is challenged by a lack of coherence and consistency in the amount of resources local authorities have in their endowment. Especially where non-planned urban settlements (e.g. slums) are present, the frequent and constant change of the urban environ- ment poses big challenges to the effective delivery of services. In this paper we report on our experiences with Taarifa: a location-based application built through community development that allows community reporting and man- aging of local issues.
This article describes the implementation of the specification for Table Joining Service Service (TJS) of OGC as an extension to the GeoServer platform.
stETL, Streaming ETL and pronounced "Stetl", is a lightweight, geospatial ETL-framework written in Python, that tightly integrates and combines existing transformation tools like GDAL/OGR, XSLT and PostGIS. stETL targets ETL-cases that involve complex XML and GML data, like INSPIRE Data Harmonization but any other transformation, even non-geospatial, can be applied as well. stETL applies declarative programming: a configuration file specifies an ETL chain of input/filter/output modules. Standard modules are available or can be user-defined. stETL is speed-optimized, by using native calls to for example GDAL/OGR, libxml and libxslt.
At the society and economy knowledge age where the technologies are the development platforms for the countries, is important to create strategies wich ensure the advantage of all that scientific and technological developments towards knowledge appropriation, impulse the creativity and innovation going to create collaborative communities wich may guarantee a technological sovereignty and open innovation. Today Open Source, with their freedoms and robust solutions, is the best alternative and is a technological tendency towards I+D+I2 paradigm (Investigation + Development + Innovation + Inversion) where is very important the integration of academic, industrial, governmental and social sectors at the projects and those commitment.
Gaia3D Inc., will introduce not only the experience of implementing mobile traffic map service (iPhone App, Android App, and Mobile Web Client) showing traffic on roads, streets, and highways at NTIC(National Transport Information Center) using Squid Proxy Server, GeoServer, and SQL Server but also advanced architecture coming up in 2014
This paper describe the experiences learned for the establishment of ICA-OSGeo Lab Network to help spread geospatial science education
In November 2011 the Met Office launched DataPoint an Application Programming Interface (API) for release of its Open Data in support of the Government’s desire for increased transparency and economic growth. Starting with just a handful of users the service has grown in terms of data, functionality and usage. This year the Met Office is making further developments responding to user feedback and ensuring INSPIRE compliance. This presentation will describe the journey of Met Office Open data so far and a forecast for the future.
The Tuscany Regional Administration is migrating his GIS infrastructure to Open Source software. In doing so, they took the right approach, working with the community, and contributing back substantial amounts of code, especially to PostGIS and QGIS projects.
OpenStreetMap is much more than a set of data. In this article we aim to present an overview showing a good portion of the possibilities it offers. We will see, first of all, what data one can download from OpenStreetMap and how it can be downloaded in a totally personalized way, employing completely customizable criteria. In addition to downloading we will look at other tools that add value to OSM: editors, importers to databases, geolocation services, image rendering, routing algorithms, etc.
In 2013, a new service type joined the deegree family - the deegree Web Map Tile Service. This deegree service implements the OGC WMTS 1.0.0 specification and is going to be the OGC reference implementation for this specification. Both, the OGC WMTS test suite and deegree's candidate reference implementation have been developed within the OGC OWS-9 initiative.
This paper presents a novel open source toolbox for street network comparison based on the Sextante geoprocessing framework for the open source Geographic Information System Quantum GIS (QGIS). In the spirit of open science, the tool- box enables researchers worldwide to assess the quality of street networks such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) by calculating key performance indicators commonly used in street network comparison studies. Additionally, we suggest two new perfor- mance indicators for turn restriction and one-way street comparisons specifically aimed...
CKAN is the most widely used open source data portal software across the world, built on open standards to make data easily discoverable and reusable. This presentation will explore what features allow publishing geospatial metadata with CKAN, providing an alternative to traditional geospatial catalogs, and more particularly how it has been used to build the new version of, the US Government official online data catalog.
The importance of understanding the quality of data used in any GIS operation has increased significantly as a result of the advent of Free and Open Source (FOSS) tools and Open Data, which in turn have encouraged non-specialists to make use of GIS. Metadata (data about data) traditionally provides a description of this quality information and permits data curation, but it is frequently deemed as complex to create and maintain. Additionally, it is generally stored separately from the data, leading...
Challenges and successes in implementing real-time, browser-based social media analysis & visualisation with open-source tools.
Visualization of large spatial data is a complex process and many GIS packages use their own assumptions or special storage formats to render quality data. Im- age pyramids and tile based rendering are used for raster data visualization but vector dataset uses feature limiting mechanism for progressive rendering. For vec- tor dataset these methods improve rendering but have very little visual appeal and make visual interpretation difficult. This paper proposes a method for rendering Vector data, called Vector Pyramids, that...
India’s coastline is under tremendous pressure. The current processes of development are becoming a threat to the ecology and livelihoods housed on the coast. If left unchecked, there will not be much of a coast left for our future generations. GIS provides tremendous opportunities to map spatial information for better decision making. Government agencies generate maps, but they are localized and inaccessible, preventing an actual assessment of the damage that is already happening to our coast. The Coastal Area Mapping...
CLEANWATER system combine various information in order to evaluate the present level of nutrient pollution in vulnerable areas and to assess the cost-efficiency of the measures that could be applied. Through a simple and intuitive web interface, CLEANWATER offers the decision makers a spatial aware tool to (1) create scenarios related to the human activities and climate changes, (2) send those scenarios to numerical models to model future evolution of water quality and (3) view, query and perform spatial analysis of the simulation results. The system is build entirely with standard compliant free and open source software applications like OpenLayers, ExtJS, PostGIS, GeoServer and GDAL.
This presentation will show the current status of Open Source implementations of WCS and particularly EO-WCS by comparing GeoServer and MapServer/EOxServer
Using OS OpenData, applying OGC standards & services and customising a number of open source GIS tools a WebGIS App was developed to provide a simple and intuitive online tool for generating hydrological catchments within the UK [1]. [1]
Driven by the rise of Web 2.0 and the non-stop spread of mobile device sensors, the concept of PGIS (Participatory GIS) is knowing a new, revolutionary era. This research investigates the opportunity to build up a prototype of Participatory GIS, with completely FOSS architecture, in which data directly comes from field surveys carried out by users. As a result, the system should increase public active participation in data creation and sharing, besides enlarging the knowledge up to the local level....
Developed to address limitations of existing hydrological desktop applications, OASIS-WS utilises the latest advancement in web technologies & data availability to inform key decision makers of the impacts of land management on water resources & flood risk through a robust and consistent web-based approach.
This presentation will talk about the recent positive change of Korean government's policy toward open source GIS and its background rationale by reviewing past investment on Korean GIS from 1995 to 2011 and related research reports on open source GIS adoptions in Korea.
Describes the case study, use cases and heavy use of FOSS4G and other FOSS software in a large alerting and notification system in the vegetation wildfire domain
We have developed a new way of visualising geo-temporal data by extending the functionality of WMS and caching to produce video tiles/files which, using OpenLayers, can be viewed and interacted with as if they were ‘maps’.