Driven by the major players in of the Web like Google, Facebook, Twitter, NoSQL databases quickly gained real legitimacy in handling important data volumetry. With a first concept of key-value, NoSQL databases have quickly evolve to meet a recurring relationships between entities or documents. Graph / document paradigm provides flexibility that facilitates the representation of the real world. Beyond the representation of information of social networks, this data model fits very well to the problem of Geo Information, its variety of data models and the interconnections between them. The emergence of cloud computing and the needs driven by the Semantic Web have led publishers of geospatial solutions to consider other ways than those currently used to store and process GIS information. It is in this perspective that Geomatys has developed GraphGIS, a spatial cartridge for OrientDB, the Graph oriented NoSQL database. This solution provides support of geographic Vector, Raster and Sensor data, in multiple dimensions and their associated metadata.