In 2013, the final specifications of Annex II and III themes will be published, and hundreds of organisations need to find effective methods and tools for providing data complying with the INSPIRE standards. Researchers, companies and administrative organisations will be interested in the professional use of these rich, high-quality data sets – as long as integration costs can be kept low. The HUMBOLDT Alignment Editor (HALE) is a solution for interactive geodata harmonisation. It enables the definition of consistent mappings between source and target data models and transforms data based on these mappings. HALE is Free and Open Source and allows both data providers and data users to: - analyze spatial data sets - understand data schemes - specify schema mappings and conduct transformation testing - transform complex spatial data in desktop and service environments - perform transformation quality checking - document the transformation - work collaboratively on harmonization projects. The presentation will start with a short introduction on HALE, then a practical showcase on how data can be transformed to comply to the INSPIRE Data Specification for some spatial data themes defined in Annex I, II and III.