Based on well-established Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) products such as MapServer, MapProxy, GeoExt and pyCSW, as well as the (not primarily geospatial) open source technologies Typo3 and CKAN, we are present- ing the implementation of a research data management infrastructure for a large interdisciplinary research project. The presented implementation primarily depends on the demands for research data management infrastructure by the funding research agency, additionally it aligns to theory and practice in Research Data Management (RDM) and e-Science. After introducing the research project and related work in the field of RDM, a detailed description of the architecture and its implementation are given. Furthermore, the paper discusses why Open Source and open standards are chosen to implement the infrastructure and gives some suggestions and provides examples on how to make it easier and more attractive for researchers to upload and publish their primary research data.